java json


Welcome to the docs for the Satori Perpetual Protocol. Satori is a decentralized financial derivatives platform built on Polygon zkEVM, zkSync, and Scroll. It features an order book model in collaboration with many market makers to provide comprehensive exposure to a wide range of assets, and an “off-chain aggregation and on-chain settlement” design that combines the security and transparency of a decentralized exchange, with the speed and usability of a centralized exchange.

User funds

Adding Funds

Users can directly deposit USDT to trade on the Satori exchange.

Withdrawing Funds

Users can withdraw their funds in USDT at any point.


A perpetual contract is a derivative that approximates leveraged spot trading. Investors can buy to gain from rising prices, or sell to gain from falling prices. The perpetual contract differs from traditional futures in some ways: it has no expiration time and therefore no restrictions on how long users are able to hold a position. In order to ensure that the underlying price index is tracked, perpetual contracts are guaranteed to follow the price of the underlying asset through a funding fee mechanism.


Orders will be matched by price-time on a FIFO basis. A transaction happens if there is a buy order that has a price equal or greater than a sell order, or if there is a market order placed in one direction and orders exist in the opposing direction.


Satori enforces margin requirements for users -- an initial margin requirement to open and size-up positions, and a maintenance margin requirement to avoid liquidations. Margin can be added and removed at will above the initial margin.

Either cross-margining or isolated-margining can be used. Cross-margining means that all of the margin balance in a user's account is used as margin for any position. In this mode, a user's position is at a much lower risk of being forced to close. Isolated-margining means that the guaranteed assets allocated to a position are limited to a certain amount. In this mode, if a user's position is blown out due to price fluctuations, only the margin amount of the position in that direction will be lost, and no other funds in the account will be affected.

Initial Margin

The maximum supported leverage is 25x, so least 4% of the position value must be used as collateral upon opening a new position.

For example, with $100 of collateral, the maximum position size that can be put on is:

Leverage Position Size
5x $500
10x $1,000
25x $2,500

Maintenance Margin

If the value of a position falls below the maintenance margin level, it may be automatically closed out by the liquidation engine.

The maintenance margin rates are determined on a per-token-pair basis:

Token Maintenance Margin Rate
BTC 1.5%
ETH 1.5%
MATIC 1.5%

For example, a long leveraged position in BTC-USDT may be liquidated after the mark price dips below 0.5% above the bankruptcy price.

The denominated asset for all perpetual markets is USDT.

Funding Costs

We anchor the price of perpetual contracts to the spot index price through a funding fee mechanism. Long positions pay short positions when the future is trading at a premium; short positions pay long positions when the future is trading below. The platform does not receive any of the fees.

The funding fee is charged every hour, and calculated as follows:

Funding Fee Rate Calculation

The funding fee rate is comprised of two components: the interest rate and the premium index.

The interest rate is currently set to 0.03% per day.

The premium index is calculated for each market, per minute (at random points in that minute) using the following formula:


The total premium index for an hour is then the average of all premium indices calculated for that hour.

Altogether, the funding fee rate is calculated as:

In other words, the funding fee rate will equal the hourly interest rate if the premium index is within 0.05% of the hourly interest rate.

Funding Fee Rate Cap

The absolute value of the Funding Fee Rate is capped at 0.75%.

Trading fees

The fees are differentiated between whether or not the user was a maker or taker for the trade.

Token Maker Fees Taker Fees
BTC 0.04% 0.06%
ETH 0.04% 0.06%
MATIC 0.04% 0.06%

Index Price

The Index Price refers to the price of the underlying asset on the spot market. It's an aggregate price based off price data from multiple exchanges, calculated every second.

The exchanges we aggregate from are as follows for each market:


Coinbase Binance OKX


Coinbase Binance OKX


Coinbase Binance OKX

For BTC-denominated currency pairs, the system multiplies by the OKX BTC-USD index to convert to the US dollar price.

We have implemented logic to ensure that index fluctuations are within the normal range when there is a significant deviation from the price of a single exchange. In addition, the system invalidates exchanges whose latest transaction price and trade volume have not been updated for a period of time.

If an exchange price deviates by more than 3% relative to the median price of all exchanges, the exchange price will be calculated according to the median*0.97 or the median*1.03.

Oracle Price

The Oracle Price is an aggregate price calculated using multiple on-chain price oracles. Oracle prices are used to determine collateralization and liquidations on Satori.

Since the oracle price is also an aggregate price, it offers similar protection from flash crashes as the index price does.

For the Alpha launch, Satori runs its own oracle nodes.


Positions where the margin rate is less than or equal to the maintenance margin rate may be liquidated.

Closing Price

The closing price is determined by:

If the position is liquidated at a price better than the bankruptcy price, then the funds will be added to the insurance vault. Otherwise, if the position is liquidated at a worse price, then the insurance vault funds will be used to cover the loss due to the position. If that insurance vault is insufficient, then the auto-deleveraging system will reduce the positions of investors that have positions in the opposite direction.

Insurance Vault

When a position is liquidated, it will be taken over by the forced liquidation system. If the liquidation cannot be fulfilled by the time the perpetual reaches the bankruptcy price, the loss will be covered by the insurance vault, a reserve maintained by the platform.

The insurance vault is currently seeded and maintained by the Satori team, and will eventually be funded through trading fees.

Automatic Deleveraging System

In the event that the insurance vault is insufficient to cover a liquidation loss, the Automatic Deleveraging System (ADL) will automatically deleverage traders holding positions in the opposite direction.

The ADL will deleverage traders in descending order of profit and leverage, i.e. the higher the profit and the more leverage used the higher the ranking.

Traders can view their priority ranking for automatic position reduction via the “ADL Ranking” indicator in the UI. Each light represents a 20% priority ranking, and when all lights are on, the position may be reduced in the event of a forced liquidation.

Positions will be reduced atomically: after the first user's position in line has been fully reduced, the second position will continue to be reduced and so on.

ADL ranking calculation method


Websocket API


JSONObject params=new JSONObject();
            long time=new Date().getTime();
            String sha256 = HMacUtil.sha256(String.valueOf(time), "5928758659f61d099c191607b3ebdf07aabf1cf2");

import javax.crypto.Mac;
import javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec;

public class HMacUtil {

    public static String sha256(String message,String secret) throws InvalidKeyException, NoSuchAlgorithmException {
        Mac sha256HMAC = Mac.getInstance("HmacSHA256");
        SecretKeySpec secret_key = new SecretKeySpec(secret.getBytes(), "HmacSHA256");
        return byteArrayToHexString(sha256HMAC.doFinal(message.getBytes()));

    private static String byteArrayToHexString(byte[] b) {
        StringBuilder hs = new StringBuilder();
        String stmp;
        for (int n = 0; b!=null && n < b.length; n++) {
            stmp = Integer.toHexString(b[n] & 0XFF);
            if (stmp.length() == 1)
        return hs.toString().toLowerCase();

Satori offers a WebSocket API for streaming updates.


Subscribing to Account Data

url: ${wsUrl}/api/account/ws

Example Request


Example Response

  "msg":"subscribe success: api_account",

Request Parameters

Field Type Required Description
method String Methods - SUBSCRIBE, UNSUBSCRIBE
event String Event, see event table (api_account)
apiKey String API Key
timestamp Long Time
signature String Signature
symbol String Asset symbol

Response Parameters

Field Type Required Description
success Boolean true,false
msg String Message
method String Methods - SUBSCRIBE,UNSUBSCRIBE
event String The same as the event parameter in the request. See the event table for details.
symbol String Asset symbol

Subscribing to Orders

url: ${wsUrl}/api/entrust/ws

Request Parameters

Field Type Required Description
method String Methods - SUBSCRIBE,UNSUBSCRIBE
event String See event table (api_entrust) for details.
apiKey String API key
timestamp Long Time
signature String Signature
pair String Trading Pair

Response Parameters

Field Type Required Description
success Boolean true,false
msg String Message
method String Methods - SUBSCRIBE,UNSUBSCRIBE
event String The same as the event parameter in the request. See the event table for details.
pair String Trading pair

Subscribing to Positions

url: ${wsUrl}/api/position/ws

Request Parameters

Field Type Required Description
method String Methods - SUBSCRIBE,UNSUBSCRIBE
event String See the event table (api_position) for details.
apiKey String API key
timestamp Long Time
signature String Signature
pair String Trading pair

Response Parameters

Field Type Required Description
success Boolean true,false
msg String Message
method String Methods - SUBSCRIBE,UNSUBSCRIBE
event String The same as the event parameter in the request. See the event table for details.
pair String Trading pair

Subscribing to Kline Data

url: ${wsUrl}/api/kline/ws

Request Parameters

Field Type Required Description
method String Methods - SUBSCRIBE,UNSUBSCRIBE
event String Check event table (api_kline)
apiKey String API key
timestamp Long Time
signature String Signature
pair String Trading pair
period String Check the periodEnum table

Response Parameters

Field Type Required Description
success Boolean true,false
msg String Message
method String Methods - SUBSCRIBE,UNSUBSCRIBE
event String The same as the event parameter in the request. See the event table for details.
pair String Trading pair
period String Check the periodEnum table

Subscribing to Market Data

url: ${wsUrl}/api/depth/ws

Request Parameters

Field Type Required Description
method String Methods - SUBSCRIBE,UNSUBSCRIBE
event String See event table(api_depth)
apiKey String API key
timestamp Long Time
signature String Signature
pair String Trading pair

Response parameters

Field Type Required Description
success Boolean true,false
msg String msg
method String Methods - SUBSCRIBE,UNSUBSCRIBE
event String The same as the event parameter in the request. See the event table for details.

Subscribing to Trading Data

url: ${wsUrl}/api/trans/ws

Request Parameters

Field Type Required Description
method String Methods - SUBSCRIBE,UNSUBSCRIBE
event String See event table (api_trade)
apiKey String API key
timestamp Long Time
signature String Signature
pair String Trading pair
period String Check the periodEnum table

Response parameters

Field Type Required Description
success Boolean true,false
msg String msg
method String Methods - SUBSCRIBE,UNSUBSCRIBE
event String The same as the event parameter in the request. See the event table for details.
pair String Trading pair


Account Update

Example response

Field Type Required Description
data Object Account information
event String See event table (api_account)
success Boolean true,false


Field Type Required Description
availableAmount String Available amount
frozenAmount String Frozen Amount
logId Long Log ID
operateAmount String Operating amount
symbol String Asset symbol
coinId Long Coin ID

Order Update

Field Type Required Description
data Object Account information
event String See event table(api_entrust)
success Boolean true,false


Field Type Required Description
currentEntrustId Long Order ID
dealQuantity String Quantity already traded
direction String LONG or SHORT
lever Integer Leverage
price String Price
quantity String Quantity
symbol String Asset symbol
nowDealQuantity String Currently traded quantity
isClose Boolean true (closing position);false (opening position);
contractPairId Long Trading pair ID
dealAmount String Amount already traded
matchType Integer 1 GTC;2 IOC;3 FOK;4 POST_ONLY ;
clientOrderId String Client Order ID

Position Update

Field Type Required Description
data Object Account information
event String See event table (api_position)
success Boolean true,false


Field Type Required Description
currentQuantity String Updated quantity
direction String LONG or SHORT
operateQuantity String Changed quantity
positionId Long Position record ID
symbol String Trading symbol
canClosedQuantity String Available quantity to close
contractPairId Long Trading pair ID
positionType Integer Position Type

Kline Update

Field Type Required Description
data Object Account information
event String See event table (api_kline)
success Boolean true,false


Field Type Required Description
amount BigDecimal Amount
close BigDecimal Closing price
count Integer Number of transactions
high BigDecimal Highest price
low BigDecimal Lowest price
open BigDecimal Opening price
period String Time interval
quantity BigDecimal Trading quantity
time Long Kline start time
contractPairId Long Contract trading pair IDs

Market Depth Update


Field Type Required Description
data Object Account information
event String See event table(api_depth)
success Boolean true,false


Field Type Required Description
asks List List of asks
bids List List of bids


Field Type Required Description
price String Price
quantity String Quantity


Field Type Required Description
price String Price
quantity String Quantity

Trade Data Update

Field Type Required Description
data Object Account information
event String See event table(api_trade)
success Boolean true,false


Field Type Required Description
contractMatchPairId long Match record ID
pair String Trading pair
price BigDecimal Price
quantity BigDecimal Quantity
amount BigDecimal Trading amount
isLong Boolean true or false
time String Creation time
timestamp Long Time
contractPairId Long Trading pair ID



periodEnum represents the time periods for data used in the API



api_entrust api_position api_kline api_depth api_trade api_account

api_entrust_res api_position_res api_kline_res api_depth_res api_trade_res api_account_res