Isolated/Cross Margin

There are two margin modes on Satori: Isolated margin mode and Cross margin mode

Isolated margin is default margin mode on Satori.

For a perpetual trading pair, you can only select one position mode. When there are open orders or open interests for this pair, you need to close the open orders or positions for this pair first, then you can modify the position mode and replace the order.

Isolated Margin

The isolated margin mode depicts the margin placed into a position is isolated from the trader's account balance. This mode allows traders to manage their risks accordingly as the maximum amount a trader would lose from liquidation is limited to the position margin placed for that open position.

Cross Margin

The cross margin mode uses all of a trader’s available balance within the corresponding trading pair coin type to prevent liquidation. When the trading pair's equity is lower than the maintenance margin, the position will be liquidated. In the event of liquidation, the trader will lose all his/her equity for that particular trading pair.

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