Telegram Mini APP

Satori Telegram Bot and Telegram Mini App is is live now.

Satori Telegram Bot:

Here are something you need to know about our Telegram Bot and how can you set up your bot.

Satori Telegram Bot Main Functions Now

Receive Notifications

After binding your Satori APP account address to Telegram ID, you will be able to receive a series of important trading-related notifications instantly, including but not limited to:

  • Important Announcements and Platform Updates

  • Notification of Successful Deposit (Coming soon)

  • Notification of Successful Withdrawal (Coming soon)

  • Position Liquidation Notification (Coming soon)

  • Notification that the account margin usage exceeds the risk level (Coming soon)

  • Notification that the position margin rate exceeds the risk level (Coming soon)

Trading directly through Telegram Mini App

Through our Telegram Bot:, you can experience the Satori Telegram Mini App. No need to switch apps, trading perps directly within Telegram.

Bind Satori Telegram Bot

  1. Open the Satori trading page, log in to the wallet, and click the message icon in the upper right corner.

  1. Enter the binding page, enter your Telegram ID, and click [Next]

Note that the Telegram ID entered here needs to be consistent with your Telegram Username.

  1. Click [Verify Telegram] to automatically jump to the Telegram APP, and follow the prompts to complete the confirmation in your Telegram.

  1. View verification status

  • If the verification is not passed, you can continue to modify the Telegram ID and re-verify.

  • If the verification is passed, you can also click the edit icon to change the Telegram ID.

After successful binding, all message notification types will be enabled by default. If you don't want to receive a certain type of messages, you can manually turn it off in the message settings.

Last updated